In the United States People love their pets

In the United States People love their pets

The pet industry makes millions of dollars annually from people wanting the very best for their animal of choice. In the past few years there has been any increase in people owning more exotic pets, but the majority of people still own the traditional domesticated dog...
Why Own a Norfolk Terrier Dog as Pet

Why Own a Norfolk Terrier Dog as Pet

If you are planning to get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, here are some things you should know: The Norfolk terrier originated from England. It is actually very affectionate and does not exhibit a disagreeable nature. Because of this, many people like to keep them as...
Many cultures hold animals in high esteem

Many cultures hold animals in high esteem

Many ancient religions were based on the worship of animals. In the United States people spend millions of dollars annually on the care and pampering of their pets. Over the past several years many exotic animals are being taken as pets; however the dog and cat is...
Caring For Persian Cats

Caring For Persian Cats

These days, Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat. Well known for their gentle and sweet personalities and their long hair, Persian cats have very attractive features. They are great companions for virtually anyone, and not very demanding. Unlike other...
Puppies bring such joy to a family.

Puppies bring such joy to a family.

If you are the parent of small children you’ve probably realized how beneficial it is to have a family pet. It’s a great idea to introduce a dog into the family when a child is young as it helps them build a life long trust with animals and it teaches them about...