If you want a companion that you can depend on to always be in a playful mood, get a dog. Cat owners are moody sort themselves, and they own moody pets. Cats do not always want to play with you, and sometimes they don’t want anything to do with you. Nonetheless, when they are in the mood for fun and games they can be extremely entertaining companions. They will chase streamers around, getting tangled in balls of yarn, and even play tug-of-war on occasion. Of course, having the right cat toys helps.

One of the first things that you should realize is that almost anything can be a cat toy. The key is to understand the cats psychology. Cats are hunters, and stealthy ones at that. They love to be able to sneak up on something. As such, one of the most entertaining cat toys is a simple string.

If it has something shiny and the end of it, or bobs up and down in an interesting and animated manner, so much the better. You can, however, play this game with nothing but a ribbon. You hang in front of the cat as it crouches is in the corner and tries to be inconspicuous. It will stalk the string, waiting for the right moment to pounce. When it does, you can yank the string up and out of the cat’s reached just in the nick of time. It helps if you let the cat catch the cat toys every once in a while. It keeps it entertained and lets it feel that it is doing well.

Of course, there are also cat toys that cats can play with on their own. Many of the most popular pet gifts are basically variations of squeaky toys. Squeaky mice are especially popular cat toys. Personally, I don’t think cats care whether a rubber squeaky toy is a mouse, a rat, or a lion. All that matters is that it is a small critter that squeaks when the cat pounces on it.

Cat toys can actually provide a useful function as well as being fun. When you have to take care of your cat, it can be nice to keep distracted. With the right cat grooming supplies, you can clean out old matted fur very quickly. Nonetheless, if the cat has something to mess with and chew on while you are grooming it, it makes things easier for both of you.